Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ault Park Switchback

The popular Dirt Days Series stopped at the very pretty and popular Ault Park today. I suspect most park visitors take in the river views, take pictures of the manicured greenery and throw Frisbees for their pups. On this day a few hundred runners took on about 4 miles of trails, some easy, some technical, and some “straight up” hard, literally.

Still recovering from the dreaded plantar fasciitis, it’s my first race since last Fall’s Stone Steps. I am only training 20 miles a week at this point so I’m a bit nervous about injury and fitness. I plan on adding 5-7 miles a week to reach 60+ by Stone Steps this year, so this will be a good test.

The crowd was a mix of “typical” trail runners (trail runners are not typical), and a few trying their first trail race. I would like to have seen their faces when they saw the first steep and long climb. There was also a very wide range of ages from 11 to 66. It’s cool and a bit disturbing to see a 70 lb, 11 year old kid flying down the trails, all legs and arms. (from the rear, that is)

I managed a top half overall and led the group of half-a-dozen geezers. (60+ = geezer) So a pretty good day considering I was cautious (on decents) and winded (walked some climbs), but the legs, and foot were ok.

I wandered over to the finish line and cheered on about 30 or so finishers. I love to do that, and I know they appreciate it. 

Sue stopped by on her way to play golf
Race Director talks, I'm admiring my new compression socks

RD still talking, now I'm cold.
Would be warmer with hair.
Around the field to space before trails.
Already a lock on middle of pack.


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