Sunday, June 30, 2013

My First Ultra x 2/3

Rather than detail boring race stuff (pace, cramps, falls, bla..bla..bla) I want to share my first Ultra experience though pictures thanks to the club who sponsors the Dawg Gone Long Run 50 Mile Trail Race.
ok, everybody ready, have fun (ie, go)

Pretty morning (I'm under the sign)
Weather still pretty, just like the trails
3 is my lucky number!
yep, Huarache sandals, ran with Randy for 20+ miles
the winner, first ultra, won by 1 hour plus
number 33 really should be back by now
Well I did finally show up, and dropped after lap 2 of 3, or about 34 miles.   All things considered, a great experience, running, learning, and making new friends.
late rain, mud, and of course, a fall :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

French Park Deux

I had decided not to write about this race since it was relatively uneventful compared to most. No falls, a minute slower than last year (mud/rain), and no awards. I suppose when I reach 80, they may give me one for showing up, but I'll decline.

But this time the RD enlisted a professional photographer, who posted some cool pics so I decided to tell my PR story, with pictures.
These guys were there but did not watch the runners
Since I got the Suunto Ambit a month ago, I have been wearing the heart rate monitor, primarily to learn where I train. The side benefit is I can see where my rate is during a race and check my effort after the fact. Until this race, here is a summary:
long runs (bike trail) - 130-140
training trail runs (rolling hills)  - 130-150
various 5K and 10K trail races  - 150-160 ave and a max of 165 to 170 (my estimated max which I've seen just once)

So imagine my surprise when I saw an ave of 166 and 80% of the race over 170. The max was 175 at a few places including the finish stretch. Have I been slacking? Not today, I was all out on the last 100M uphill to the finish at a 4:52 pace and there was nothing left. 
East my Dust :)
 So screw my middle of the pack time, I set a new PR of 175! I don't know what to make of it though, is it good, bad, or doesn't matter a lick. I guess the line, "whatever does not kill you will make you stronger" will apply. So I can apparently tolerate more suffering and get faster, or apply for a Guinness record for the highest HR of a 60 year old not counting tachycardia.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sunburst more Fun than Fast

The Sunburst is really a chance for Sue and I to visit Devon, Craig, Wes Val and Cydney as well as see Brian and Alexis who drove over from Michigan State. With Lexi and our pups, it’s a full crew and a lot of fun. The race is really secondary, and I had not trained at anything close to 8 min miles but still expected to beat last years 50:42 for the 10K. I have improved in every race I’ve done so far and with 2-3 times the training miles compared to last year, I hoped for under 50 min.  
Dev and I rocking the socks
I downloaded an app for my new Ambit2 which simply showed in seconds if I was ahead of 50 min or negative min if behind. I was “up” 25 sec or so for the first half but “went negative” in the last few miles. (53:08) I still can’t decide if my body or mind was the problem, but I thought I ran as hard as I could. I finished the last hundred yards at a 5:05 pace and still did not throw up on the Notre Dame field. I did however throw up the entire next night at home with the flu. No flu excuse though as I ate like a pig the morning after the race.
Not even a mid foot strike, poop

So back to my long trail runs at 11-13 pace in prep for my 50K this Fall. But damn it, I’ll be under 50 min next year.